- LL.B., National Taiwan University, School of Law, Taiwan
- M. Sc. (Chemical Engineering), National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- General Patent & Trademark Advisory
- General Practice
- Technology Law
- Contract Review
Notable Cases
- Defense in a trademark infringement case on behalf of a major biotechnology company and acquired favorable judgments in both the 1st and 2nd instances.
- Defense in a patent infringement case filed by a German company on behalf of a major technology company and acquired favorable judgments in both the 1st and 2nd instances
- Defense in a civil patent infringement suit on behalf of a local company and acquired favorable judgments in both the 1st and 2nd instances.
- Filed an unfair competition civil suit on behalf of the local distributor of a well-known Canadian apparel company, and the court awarded a compensation of NT$ 1 million to our client.
- Filed a civil trademark infringement suit on behalf of a well-known domestic safety helmet manufacturer, and the court awarded a compensation of NT$ 5 million to the client.
- Represented a well-known domestic pharmacy to negotiate favorable settlement terms for alleged infringement of patent rights.
- Defense in a civil copyright infringement suit on behalf of a local bedding company and acquired a favorable judgment.
Professional Associations
- Taipei Bar Association
- TWPAA (2013-present)
買房遇到惡鄰居,怎麼辦? 專利權人行使外國專利權仍受我國公平交易法之拘束 豪宅保全監守自盜,誰應負損害賠償責任 企業ESG行銷可能引發「漂綠(Greenwashing)」之法律爭議 談最高法院111年度台上字第186號民事判決肯認商業上成功之後續實務觀察 學生至企業打工,「技術生」、「建教生」還是「勞工」,權益各有不同 當發生著作權侵害時要留意之事項 營業秘密與專利權保護之歧異 營業秘密侵害之法律救濟 網路不法取得他人個人資料取財之法律責任 淺論專利標示 淺論社會秩序維護法有關 「散佈謠言,足以影響公共安寧」之行為 常見營業秘密訴訟之爭議 收到專利權人提起專利侵權訴訟起訴狀之注意事項 借款給他人時,小心要不回來 再論智慧財產案件審理法「秘密保持命令」實務 常見預售屋銷售之公平法爭議 淺談勞動契約「試用期」之爭議 淺析專利發明人登載不實之爭議 淺談我國專利法先使用權 淺談智慧財產案件審理法「秘密保持令」之實務 淺談商標搶註「意圖仿襲」之實務見解 淺談商標搶註「意圖仿襲」之實務見解 由智慧財產法院106年度民專訴字第90號民事判決淺析專利申請權爭議 淺論專利行政訴訟中有權提出新證據之「當事人」 淺析最高行政法院對於「通常知識」之詮釋 中國大陸擬引進專利連結制度 公平會天價罰鍰 淺談韓國專利公眾審查制度 十億天價賠償金:淺談飛利浦公司與國碩公司間DVD專利侵害訴訟 淺析專利舉發程序中舉發人之舉證責任 方法專利權人宜善用證據保全制度以蒐集侵權行為之證據