The Pioneering Spirit of a Vibrant IP Law Firm
Tai E was founded by lawyer Lin, I-Chu and trademark agent Lin, Chin-Chang. In 1976, Mr. Lin, Chin-Chang restructured Mr. Lin, I-Chu’s general law firm into Tai E International Patent & Law Office. At the same time, he established Tai E International Patent & Trademark Office. Since then, Tai E has been dedicated to intellectual property protection.

Attorney at Law LIN, I-CHU (1922~2007)
In 1952, Mr. Lin was the first Taiwanese lawyer to practice in Taichung, and he spearheaded the advance of law-awareness in Taiwan.
Mr. Lin was committed to boosting innovation in Taiwan and protecting the legal rights of businesses and consumers.

Trademark Agent LIN, CHIN-CHANG
Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA), National Taiwan University, Taiwan
LL.B., School of Law, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
In 1976, with the goal of improving intellectual property protection awareness, Mr. Lin established Tai E to serve our clients.
Later, he extended his enthusiasm to serving the public and became a Taipei City Councilor, and he remained so for 26 years.

This firm was established as a general practice law firm by attorney at law Lin I-Chu.
Mr. Lin Chin-Chang restructured the firm as Tai E International Patent & Law Office and established Tai E International Patent & Trademark Office.
Branch offices were established in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung. At the same time, Tai E’s International Division was established and the firm expanded its cooperation with China.
Attorney at law Henry Guei was appointed Principle Partner, and patent attorney Fred Yen was appointed Managing Partner.
Jerry Lin was named General Manager of Tai E.
This year marked the 40-year anniversary of Tai E’s reorientation as an intellectual property law firm.
Entering an innovative service model to help domestic clients establish their own IP strategies.
Organizational change: Tai E IP Office and Tai E Law Office operate independently under the brand Tai E International Patent & Law Office.

By 1980, Tai E had flourished and its staff numbered over 200 professionals deployed in four offices to serve thousands of clients from every corner of the world. Tai E became one of the pioneering law firms that ushered Taiwan into the new world of intellectual property law. From then on, the Taiwan government has frequently consulted Tai E in various professional fields. Tai E also interacts closely with a great number of overseas associates to hone our international edge. Developing a sound international network of mutually beneficial working relationships has always been a top priority for Tai E.
Another milestone was passed in 2006 when Mr. Henry Chi-Heng Guei and Mr. Fred Chi-Tai Yen joined the managing team and became partners of the firm.
In 2014, Mr. Jerry Ching-Yu Lin joined the managing team and became a partner, later to be appointed as the general manager of the firm.
Tai E was proud to look back in 2016 when the firm entered its 40th year in IP specialization and is equally proud to look forward with Mr. Jerry Lin urging his professional team to further expand our existing full range of IP services and to simultaneously search out breakthroughs in protection for our clients.
Tai E’s Global Vision

Being one of the pioneering law firms in the field of intellectual property protection in Taiwan, we at Tai E take pride in our firm’s long and successful history. From our beginnings in a society and economic environment where few people appreciated legal protection of inventors’ rights, we always had a clear vision of our purpose and the level of service we strive to offer our clients.
Throughout social and political upheaval, and now witnessing technological transformation of historic proportions, Tai E has grown from a "one-man practice" into a major international law firm. Today, we serve thousands of clients from every corner of the world. We are proud not only to have witnessed the reformation of lifestyle and systems in Taiwan, but we also have been, and always will continue to be, a part of successful innovation itself.
Of course, our firm has faced many obstacles, but two things remain the same, that is our welcome of change as an opportunity for innovation and our dedicated pursuit of professionalism, excellence and faithful service to our clients. Those are the core values we have continued to uphold since the foundation of our firm and, even with our sights firmly set on tackling future challenges, they will always inform every aspect of our work.
Tai E International Patent & Law Office Marks 40th Anniversary