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Average Examination Durations in Taiwan in 2020

The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) recently published the Annual Report of 2020. The statistical data about patent examination durations is summarized below.

Invention Patents
With regard to the examination stage, it takes 8.7 months on average for the TIPO to issue the first Examination Report after substantive examination is requested; and it takes 13.9 months on average for the TIPO to make a Decision. With regard to the re-examination stage, it takes 10.5 months on average for the TIPO to issue the first Re-Examination Report; and it takes 13.4 months on average for the TIPO to make a Final Decision.


Utility Model Patents
On average, it takes 2.2 months for the TIPO to make a decision; and it takes 5.5 months for the TIPO to issue a technical evaluation report.


Design Patents
It takes 6.2 months on average for the TIPO to issue the first Examination Report; and it takes 7.4 months on average for the TIPO to make a decision at the examination stage.


(Summarized and translated from the Annual Report 2020 published by the TIPO)

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