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Tai E’s open letter in response to raising the epidemic warning level for Taipei City and New Taipei City to Level 3 by the CECC
Dear clients and associates:
In response to the recent spike of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and rise in community transmission, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that the epidemic alert in Taipei City and New Taipei City will be upgraded to Level 3 from May 15 to May 28, and stricter and more restrictive measures to prevent more large-scale community transmission are currently being implemented. Our firm fully cooperates with the CECC and epidemic prevention as the priority. In addition to regular disinfection of publicly accessible areas in our offices, more colleagues were assigned to work at home and the firm increased flexible commuting hours to reduce clustering during commute.
Facing the possible escalation of COVID-19, Tai E is closely monitoring the development of the epidemic. Our main goal is to maintain the health and well-being of all our employees, and to provide our clients with seamless, uninterrupted, and high-quality services in an appropriate, safe and efficient manner.
Except for employee self-health management, suspension of unnecessary visits or meetings, and the prohibition of traveling abroad for colleagues, the firm operates as usual. The response measures that have been enacted since the beginning of the outbreak last year are also still in place, so even if the epidemic should further progress, we can still complete the work you have entrusted us. In short, in any case, we will continue to take all feasible steps to ensure that we can fulfill our obligations to our clients.
We understand that you receive many emails about the epidemic every day. Therefore, in order not to increase your burden, except for the communication of entrusted cases, we will only contact you proactively in the following conditions: (1) changing the way of working and requiring your cooperation (for example: if the epidemic situation worsens, the ability to mail and courier may be affected to varying degrees); (2) your rights and interests are substantially affected. If you are interested in the news about the epidemic situation of the Taiwan government, the Taiwan IPO and even our firm, please feel free to refer to our website.
Finally, we look forward to everyone's safe passage through and fight this difficult epidemic and thank you for your continued trust in Tai E. If there is anything we can do, please feel free to contact us by telephone, email or message on our website.
Sincerely yours,
Jerry Lin (CEO & Partner) and all Tai E employees
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