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Statistics on the Patent Prosecution Highway Program in Taiwan (Last Updated January 2020)

Table 1.1: Statistics on Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Applications between Taiwan and the United States (from September 2011 to January 2020) 
Nationalities of Applicants
Date of requesting PPH Domestic United States Others Total
2011 3 35 1 39
2012 15 204 33 252
2013 16 212 43 271
2014 15 262 44 321
2015 8 244 75 327
2016 15 253 75 343
2017 19 455 68 542
2018 18 368 71 457
2019 45 344 66 455
Jan 2020 1 26 3 30
Total 155 2403 479 3037
Nationalities of the remaining applicants include: Netherlands (82), Singapore (74), Great Britain (49), Israel (41), Japan (41), Germany (32), Ireland (23), Sweden (19), People’s Republic of China (18), Canada (14), Luxembourg (14), Hong Kong (14), Republic of Korea (11), Switzerland (9), Cayman Islands (8), Saudi Arabia (4), Italy (4), Finland (4), British Virgin Islands (3), Malaysia (3), Norway (2), Turkey (1), Philippines (1), Thailand (1), United Arab Emirates (1), Croatia (1), France (1), Gibraltar (1), Mexico (1), New Zealand (1) and Australia (1).

Table 1.2: Statistics on PPH Applications between Taiwan and Japan (from May 2012 to January 2020) 
Nationalities of Applicants
Date of requesting PPH Domestic Japan Others Total
2012 1 207 0 208
2013 5 488 0 493
2014 0 512 3 515
2015 3 511 9 523
2016 0 445 10 455
2017 1 450 20 471
2018 0 419 18 437
2019 0 404 23 427
Jan 2020 0 42 0 42
Total 10 2403 83 3571
Nationalities of the remaining applicants include: Sweden (46), United States (15), France (10), Germany (3), Luxembourg (3), Netherlands (2), Republic of Korea (1), Singapore (1), Belgium (1) and British Virgin Islands (1). 

Table 1.3: Statistics on PPH Applications between Taiwan and Spain (from October 2013 to January 2020) 
Nationalities of Applicants
Date of requesting PPH Domestic Spain Others Total
2013 0 0 0 0
2014 0 1 0 1
2015 0 0 0 0
2016 0 0 0 0
2017 0 0 0 0
2018 0 0 1 1
2019 0 0 0 0
Jan 2020 0 0 0 0
Total 0 1 1 2
Nationality of the remaining applicant: Great Britain (1).

Table 1.4: Statistics on PPH Applications between Taiwan and the Republic of Korea (from July 2015 to January 2020) 
Nationalities of Applicants
Date of requesting PPH Domestic Republic of Korea Others Total
2013 0 5 1 6
2014 0 12 8 20
2015 0 7 7 14
2016 0 10 8 18
2017 0 1 2 3
2018 0 2 2 4
2019 0 3 1 4
Jan 2020 0 0 1 1
Total 0 40 30 70
Nationalities of the remaining applicants include: Japan (19), Sweden (15), the United States (3), Germany (2), Israel (1) and Canada (1). 

Table 1.5: Statistics on PPH Applications between Taiwan and Canada (from February 2018 to January 2020) 
Nationalities of Applicants
Date of requesting PPH Domestic Canada Others Total
2018 0 2 0 2
2019 0 0 0 0
Jan 2020 0 0 0 0
Total 0 2 0 2
Note 1: The nationalities of applicants are based on applicants’ nationalities at the time of compiling the statistics. In case of assignment, the nationality of the assignee has been included. 
Note 2: Two additional applications requested PPH before July 2015. However, they were not considered in the aforementioned statistics because the corresponding cases thereof are Korean applications, which were not eligible for requesting PPH at that time (unqualified).
Note 3: There are no PPH applications between Taiwan and Poland yet. 

Table 2: Average First OA and Disposal Pendencies for PPH Applications. 
Statistical period Average first OA pendency (days) Average disposal pendency (days)
Jan 2020 to the end of Jan 2020 71.3 130
(1) The average first OA pendency is defined as the average period from the submission of all PPH documents to the issuance of the first OA.
(2) The average disposal pendency is defined as the average period from the submission of all PPH documents to the conclusion.
 (Translated from the Hot News announced on the website of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office)
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