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An Enormous Growth in the Number of Patent and Trademark Filings from Taiwan in China in 2009 and 2010

Cross-strait trade between Taiwan ROC and China PRC has been flourishing since the formal signing of the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) in 2010. Intellectual property rights have already become indispensible and fundamental when it comes to economic development and industrial interests nowadays. In fact, the increase in the patent and trademark applications between the two sides last year indicated that the opportunities and challenges from the development of intellectual property rights must be viewed in high regard.

In 2010, the amount of patent applications filed in China from Taiwan was 22,419 cases in total, compared to 21,113 in 2009, an increase of 6.19%, while the number in Taiwan from China increased from 694 to 755, rising 8.79%. According to the statistics, except the significant fall due to the influence of the global financial crisis in 2009 and the subsequent rapid recovery from, patent applications across the Taiwan Strait have risen at a steady rate.

As to trademark applications in 2010, it can be seen that 10,767 cases were filed in China from Taiwan, growing by 0.85% (10, 676 cases in 2009). However, the trademark cases filed in Taiwan from China soared from 1,186 to 1,603 (35.16%) in 2009 and 2010. Referring to the statistics, like patent applications, there is a constant growth of the trademark applications between both sides of the Strait.

It goes without saying that intellectual property rights are not only getting more and more crucial for worldwide economic and trade systems but also as the main means of competing for industrial interests and benefits. In recent years, China has developed rapidly into the “World’s factory” but with that industrial revolution came the need for improved IP protection. Perhaps faster than thought and possibly beyond the imagination by many has been the parallel growth in the consumer market of China whereby entrepreneurs around the world strive to connect with demands of the consumers there by making significant arrangements and investments. Moreover, the interwoven history and common sources of cultures of both sides have enabled the relations to improve and get much closer. As such, mutually applying for patents and trademarks becomes more and more frequent every year. It is worth mentioning that the number of patent and trademark application from Taiwan in China is in the growing trend and greatly exceeds the quantity from China in Taiwan. This proves that Taiwan attempts to take participation proactively in China.

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