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Foreign Entertainment Company Sued Taiwan TV Program Producers and Host for Reproducing TV Program

In 2009, China Television Co., launched a variety show named “Challenge 101”. The special guest will compete with 101 audience members by answering questions, and the guest will be awarded one million New Taiwan Dollars if he successfully defeats all of the audience members. This show also enabled the host “Hu Gua” to be awarded as the best variety program host in 2009.

Endemol filed a criminal prosecution against the producer and the host of “Challenge 101” since the stage design, and the concept of “three opportunities” are similar to “1 VS 100” whereby they are suspected of reproducing and converting “1 VS 100”.

During the first hearing in Taipei District Court, the host “Hu Gua” contended that since he is the host and not engaged in program production, all the charges are irrevelent to him. The producers contend that the two programs are different in various aspects, and  “Challenge 101” was based on another show in China. They further asserted that the “three opportunities” concept is generally adopted in various programs in Taiwan.

Tape recordings of the two shows will be viewed in the next court hearing to determine if they are similar.”

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