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The TIPO published a report Patent Maps for Developments of Carbon Reduction Technologies
As we are all aware, governments around the world have a global goal to achieve "Net-Zero Transformations by 2050." Researches and developments of carbon reduction technologies can not only promote the realization of "Net-Zero Emissions," but also provide good business opportunities for innovative technologies. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) established its International Patent Classifications (IPC) Green Inventory in 2010 which contains about 200 IPC topics directly relevant to Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs), organized into seven major subject areas (‘Big 7’) comprising: 1. Alternative Energy Production; 2. Transportation; 3. Energy Conservation; 4. Waste Management; 5. Agriculture/Forestry; 6. Administrative, Regulatory or Design Aspects; and 7. Nuclear Power Generation.
The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) has published a report entitled "Patent Maps for Developments of Carbon Reduction Technologies." The report was made based on the IPC Green Inventory using the Global Patent Search System (GPSS) established by the TIPO. The report includes analysis of a trend of patent applications in industries relevant to the Big 7 in the past 10 years (from 2011 to 2021), and summaries of inventions in some applications filed by the respective top applicants that have filed the most applications in each of the Big 7. The report thus provides relevant references and information for development directions and technical analysis of industries in Taiwan.
In addition, the TIPO has established a "Green Technology Zone" in the GPSS and has provided a technical search platform on relevant IPC topics based on classifications of the IPC Green Inventory. Moreover, in order to facilitate operations of users, a search interface in the "Green Technology Zone" has been established with a function for introducing search conditions. The search interface enables persons in certain domestic industries to search for relevant patents or applications that they would like to research, develop and innovate, and promote patent researches and developments of appropriate technologies.
The website of the Global Patent Search System (GPSS) is
(Translated and adapted based on News published on the TIPO’s website) 
*Section Chief of International Patent Division at Tai E International Patent & Law Office
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