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The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Implemented a New Measure: Transnational Remote Video Interviews for Patent Applications
In light of the maturity of communication technology and the changing social situation, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) recently amended the “Program for Interviews for Patent Cases” so as to implement a new measure for transnational remote video interviews for patent applications effective since March 1, 2022. The new measure allows applicants and patent attorneys to participate in remote video interviews with examiners by connecting to the conferencing system established by the TIPO at an appropriate remote location, thus eliminating the need to attend the interview at the TIPO’s office in person. As a result, traveling can be avoided and efficiency of examination can be enhanced.
According to the amended “Program for Interviews for Patent Cases” implemented on March 1, 2022, the main points of the new measure are as follows.
1. For patent cases other than invalidation actions, where a party applying for an interview requests that the interview be held at an appropriate remote location from the TIPO’s office and the request is permitted by the TIPO, the interview may be conducted remotely.
2. The appropriate remote location for the interview should meet the following requirements: (i) being a non-public place; and (ii) being equipped with the hardware and software specified by the TIPO and with the capability to ensure the proper quality of video transmission. Otherwise, the remote video interview will not be permitted.
3. In the remote video interview, the examiner should read out the concerned issues and key points of the interview, and the record of the interview should be transmitted to and signed or sealed by the person(s) participating in the interview and then returned to the TIPO.
4. Taking photographs as well as audio or video recording during the remote video interview are not allowed. 
(Translated and summarized from the news announced on the website of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office)
*Section Chief of International Patent Division at Tai E International Patent & Law Office  
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