- LL.B., National Taiwan University, School of Law, Taiwan
- General Patent & Trademark Advisory
- Commercial Agreements & Contracts
- Joint Ventures - Corporate
- Patent & Trademark Litigation
Notable Cases
- Represented a Luxembourg company in a trademark opposition litigation of its well-known boutique trademarks and acquired a favorable judgment, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office shall revoke the original decision.
- Participated in a trademark opposition administrative suit on behalf of a U.S. consumer goods manufacturer and acquired a favorable judgment.
- Represented a well-known UK luxurious automobile manufacturer in a trademark opposition action and acquired a favorable judgment, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office shall revoke the original decision.
- Participated in a trademark opposition administrative suit on behalf of a famous Italian E-commerce platform and acquired a favorable judgment.
- Represented a well-known UK apparel distributor in a trademark opposition action and acquired a favorable judgment.
- Participated in a trademark opposition administrative suit on behalf of a famous Italian motorcycle manufacturer and acquired a favorable judgment.
- Participated in a trademark revocation administrative suit on behalf of a major fiber manufacturer in the EU and acquired a favorable judgment.
- Filed an administrative appeal with the Supreme Administrative Court on behalf of a well-known UK luxurious automobile manufacturer for a trademark revocation case and acquired a favorable judgment.Participated in a trademark opposition administrative suit on behalf of a Hong Kong watch distributor and acquired a favorable judgment.
Professional Associations
- Taipei Bar Association
- Keelung Bar Association
被控侵害專利時,如欲提出先使用(先實施)抗辯舉證上之注意事項 利用故宮典藏之古畫,是否會有侵害著作財產權之疑慮? 如何確立專利共同發明人、共同設計人之資格?-以智商法院110年度民專上字第23號為例- 簽了顯失公平之合約,藝術家該如何反制 -以華藝事件引起的藝術界侵權風波為例- 約定「不行使著作人格權」的效力為何? 工作說變就變,都老闆說了算嗎!? 淺談大型物品之侵權比對及逾時提出攻防主張之風險––以智商法院111年民專上字第30號判決為例 商標權人應留意! 被控侵權行為人得使用之武器: 誠信原則抗辯-- 從最高法院判決看誠信原則於商標侵權案件之可能適用情形 想談授權!請先認識何謂著作財產權 專利是否因公開實施而喪失新穎性之實務判斷 — 以智商法院110年民專訴字第41號判決為例 淺談蘇打綠商標權歸屬民事爭議 以智商法院109年民專訴字第60號判決為例,看新型專利權不當行使於專利法之具體適用 淺談網路誹謗與公然侮辱 買賣房屋-交屋後才發現漏水 該怎麼辦? 商標侵權民事訴訟於判斷混淆誤認之虞審酌因素之初探 從小南門商標訴訟—看老店家轉型跨足其他商品/服務時,可能面臨的侵權風險 淺談我國專利連結制度及其首件判決爭議要旨 淺談青峰與林暐哲間之著作權侵權民事爭議 從大立光與先進光之營業秘密法律戰--看法院對於求償事證之取捨 當台灣經銷商與外國原廠間之合作破局,訴訟上可能面臨之法律爭議 商業空間室內設計之保護-以旅館、飯店業者為例 寄發專利警告函與不公平競爭之界線 以最高法院106年度台上字第2467號判決出發-淺談專利侵權訴訟實務見解之歧異 印度標準必要專利侵權訴訟之發展概況 防止商標搶註條款--實務重點簡析 專利權經多次讓與時,應注意讓與登記之連續性 簡介智慧財產權盡職查核-以專利權為例 簡述律師-當事人保密特權之適用情形 WIPO智慧財產權商業化指南簡介 判斷專利有效性之明確性與進步性要件應嚴予區 營業秘密維權之基本功 概述營業秘密之保護要件 罹於專利侵權求償時效之不當得利返還範圍 提起專利侵權訴訟前之準備事項概述(下) 提起專利侵權訴訟前之準備事項概述(上) 提起專利侵權訴訟前應知道的事 專利權人請求損害賠償救濟之前提:侵權行為人主觀要件之探討 淺談專利侵權訴訟裁判費之計算 臺灣專利權及營業秘密保護之修法重點回顧 專利權人得請求損害賠償救濟之前提:侵權行為人主觀要件之探討 淺論專利侵權人所得利益之範圍 業經主管機關核准登記之英文公司名稱,是否就不會有構成商標侵權或不公平競爭之疑慮? 平行輸入行不行!? 台灣智慧財產權維護環境之提升與具體成效
- 從商標法實務案例看真品平行輸入,2021年7月2日。