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Our Teams Our Teams Our Teams


  • Section Chief of Japanese Patent Division


  • École de technologie supérieure (Mechanical Engineering), Canada, Ph. D.
  • University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard (Mechanical Engineering), France, Diplôme d’Ingénieur.


  • Applied Mechanics
  • Continuum Mechanics
  • Mechanical Vibration
  • Computer Aided Design(CAD)
  • Computer Aided Engineering(CAE)


  • Li, W., Vu, V. H., Liu, Z., Thomas, M., & Hazel, B. (2017). Extraction of modal parameters for identification of time-varying systems using data-driven stochastic subspace identification. Journal of Vibration and Control.
  • Li, W., Vu, V. H., Liu, Z., Thomas, M., & Hazel, B. (2017). Application of adaptable functional series vector time-dependent autoregressive model for extraction of real modal parameters for identification of time-varying systems. Measurement, 103, 143-156.
  • Li, Wenchao (2016). Identification of modal parameters of non-stationary mechanical systems : application on a flexible grinding robot. Thesis of Ph. D., Montreal, École de technologie supérieure.


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