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Tai E Quarterly Tai E Quarterly Tai E Quarterly

Tai E Quarterly


2020 Q4



The Implementation Date of the “Trial Program for Positive Patent Examination for New Industries” has been adjusted to January 5, 2021


The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Clarified the Restrictions to an Amendment or Post-grant Amendment where a Disclaimer is Introduced in a Claim


2020 National Invention and Creation Awards: clients of Tai E International Patent & Law Office are awarded by the Taiwan IPO


Notice for Goods in Relation to or Specified as“medicated toiletry preparations; medicated shampoos; medicated mouth washes”


The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Announced Expedient Measures for an Interview during the Epidemic of Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens (COVID-19)


The “Trial Program for Positive Patent Examination for New Industries” will be Implemented on January 1, 2021


The Amended Patent Examination Guidelines for Design Patents will Become Effective on November 1, 2020



Ways to Accelerate the Patent Prosecution


Summary of the Amendments to Patent Examination Guidelines for Design Patent Applications

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