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Tai E Quarterly Tai E Quarterly Tai E Quarterly

Tai E Quarterly


2019 Q4



Amending the “Hearing Operation Program for Patent Invalidation Cases” implemented on August 5, 2019


Research regarding “Overview of Artificial Intelligence Related Patent Applications in Taiwan and Analysis of Common Rejections thereof” has been published


Holiday Notice: New Year’s Day, the Chinese New Year Festivities and the 228 Peace Memorial Day


Ways for inquiring about and modifying patent certificates after the design patent term has been extended from 12 to 15 years on November 1, 2019


Whether the sequence listing electronic file is included in the calculation of excess page fee


Congratulation to six colleagues of Tai E International Patent & Law Office who have passed the 2019 Taiwan Patent Attorney Examination



Introduction to the Amendments of the Taiwan Patent Examination Guidelines - For Divisional Invention Patent Applications

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