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Tai E Quarterly Tai E Quarterly Tai E Quarterly

Tai E Quarterly


2021 Q2



The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Updated the “Notices for Preparing the Specification and Drawings of Design Patents”


Draft Amendments to the Patent Examination Guidelines for Software Inventions


Tai E’s open letter in response to raising the epidemic warning level for Taipei City and New Taipei City to Level 3 by the CECC


Average Examination Durations in Taiwan in 2020


Holiday Notice: June 2021


Information about Invalidation Actions and Administrative Remedies is Now Available in the File Wrapper Search System


【Special Topic for World Intellectual Property Day】Application for Intellectual Property Rights is an Observation Index for the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (2021.04.26)


First Judgment of Patent Linkage Litigation in Taiwan -- Intellectual Property Court Gives the Green Light to File Patent Linkage Litigation based on Article 96, Paragraph 1 of the Patent Act



Introduction to the Amended Patent Examination Guidelines for Design Patents


【Special Topic for World Intellectual Property Day】Application for Intellectual Property Rights is an Observation Index for the Growth of Small and Me

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