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Maintenance Costs of Patent Rights can be Used as Evidence that a Foreign Legal Person has Assets in Taiwan

Maintenance Costs of Patent Rights can be Used as Evidence that a Foreign Legal Person has Assets in Taiwan

According to Article 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure, where a plaintiff has no domicile, office, or place of business in the R.O.C.,

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According to Article 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure, where a plaintiff has no domicile, office, or place of business in the R.O.C., the court shall, by a ruling on motion by the defendant, order the plaintiff to provide a security for the litigation expenses if the plaintiff in the litigation is a foreign juridical person. The court shall do the same when such security is found to be inadequate or not correctly provided during the process of the proceedings. The provision of the preceding paragraph is not applicable in the case where either the plaintiff's claim is not disputed by the defendant or the plaintiff's assets in the R.O.C. are sufficient to compensate for the litigation expenses. In accordance with the Ruling of the Supreme Court 102 (2013) Tai Kan Tzu No. 404, the assets mentioned in Article 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure are not limited to tangible property. Intangible property, such as patent rights and trademark rights, can be assigned, licensed or pledged and have objective exchange value and therefore should be deemed as assets. However, how does the plaintiff claim its assets in the R.O.C on the basis of its patent rights? Reference may be made to the opinions of the Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Su Tzu No.31 and the Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Kan Tzu No.10.

In the aforementioned Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Su Tzu No.31 and the Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Kan Tzu No.10, the plaintiff filed a patent infringement litigation against the defendant, and then the defendant claimed in the litigation proceedings that the plaintiff was a foreign juridical person who has no domicile, office, or place of business in the R.O.C. The court expenses for the first instance, second instance, and third instance of this lawsuit were estimated to be about NT$550,000, and the defendant claimed that the court shall, by a ruling on motion by the defendant, order the plaintiff to provide a security for the litigation expenses in accordance with Article 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure. With respect to the defendant’s motion, the plaintiff claimed that the property value of its patent rights, patent applications and trademark rights in Taiwan was sufficient to cover the litigation expenses, and there was no need to provide a security for the litigation expenses. In this respect, it is stated in the Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Su Tzu No.31 that the plaintiff should be able to obtain commercial benefits of more than the maximum amount of NT$550,000 by implementing, licensing or establishing of a pledge on the patents and trademarks at issue as well as selling the patents and trademarks. The plaintiff did not submit a license agreement or a patent valuation report as evidence. However, in the so-called cost method, the cost of developing or purchasing patented technology is regarded as the reasonable price of the patent, which emphasizes that the evaluation of the cost value of the intangible asset itself is that according to the cost method, the value of the patent is equal to the sum of the development costs, also known as the cost accumulation method. As far as accounting is concerned, the purchase of patented technology should be accounted for at cost, which includes all expenses and expenditures that make the patent right available for use for its purpose. Therefore, the theory of the cost method cited in said ruling is based on the assumption that the value of the patent should not be less than the cost of developing or purchasing the patent to make it available for use, so as to assess whether the plaintiff’s assets in this country are sufficient to cover the litigation costs. In other words, the cost for the plaintiff to develop, purchase or maintain the patented technology shall be deemed as the reasonable value of the patent. Since calculating the annuity payments shows that the plaintiff must pay a high maintenance cost for the patent right, the court determined that the property value of the patent right owned by the plaintiff was sufficient to cover the litigation costs and thus rejected the motion by the defendant.

As mentioned above, although the defendant was not satisfied and filed an appeal to the ruling, the Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Kan Tzu No.10 also supports the opinions of the original ruling. Said ruling further points out that calculating value at cost is a method of accounting, and its basic concept involves the principle of balance of assets and liabilities. From the perspective of cost estimation of accounting principles or tax accounting, there is no error or impropriety in this calculation method. The so-called evaluation of value, the price agreed by the buyer and the seller, is certainly the actual realization of the property value. For the property owner, the cost someone is willing to pay for holding the property based on the so-called reasonable and rational economic behavior model in economics is also one of the calculation methods for property value, which is the basic principle of economics and accounting. From the principles of accounting and economics, if the value of the plaintiff’s patent should be at least not less than the cost of the annuity, according to experience and logic, the value in the market should theoretically be greater than the annuity. This ruling held that the defendant’s limitation of the concept of property to tangible property was unacceptable.

The defendant was dissatisfied and filed a re-appeal. However, the Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Su Tzu No.31 and the Civil Ruling of the Intellectual Property Court 109 (2020) Ming Juan Kan Tzu No.10 were finally affirmed by the Ruling of the Supreme Court 109 (2020) Tai Kan Tzu No. 1361, which holds that the judgments regarding assets are determined by the same court by means of choosing evidence, and it was irrelevant to whether the application of law is manifestly erroneous. Therefore, the defendant’s re-appeal was dismissed. In light of the opinions of the aforementioned rulings, it can be seen that when a patentee who is a foreign juridical person is asked to provide a security for the litigation expenses, the patentee can calculate the amount of the maintenance cost of his intangible properties to explain that the patentee has sufficient assets in Taiwan. Therefore, there is no need to provide a security for the litigation expenses.


專利權之維護成本,可作為外國法人在台有資產之佐證 (江郁仁律師) (第266期2021/03/11)


*Assistant Manager of International Patent Division at Tai E International Patent & Law Office

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