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Applications for reinstatement due to the outbreak of severe pneumonia infection
The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (IPO) re-stated that if a delay is caused by natural calamities or other causes not attributable to the applicant, the applicant may, in accordance with Article 17 of the Patent Act and Article 12 of the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act as well as Article 8 of the Trademark Act and Article 9 of the Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act, apply for reinstatement.

In this regard, if the outbreak of the severe pneumonia infection caused by the new type of coronavirus from mainland China continues to cause delays beyond statutory time periods, documents of proof shall be provided for reinstatement in accordance with relevant regulations. In principle, the Taiwan IPO will adopt a lenient approach considering each specific case.

 (Translated from the Taiwan IPO news dated January 31, 2020)
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