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Information about Invalidation Actions and Administrative Remedies is Now Available in the File Wrapper Search System

To provide more published information of patent cases, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) imports the data about invalidation actions and administrative remedies into the File Wrapper Search System, including the prosecution histories of invalidation actions of which the decisions are made after March 1, 2011, and the serial numbers of the decisions of appeals and judgements of administrative litigations.


• Searches can be conducted with the case numbers of invalidation actions. Information provided includes the prosecution histories of invalidation actions (however the related documents themselves are not available). Web links to the content of the decisions in the Taiwan Patent Search System are also provided.

•  he serial numbers of corresponding appeal decisions and court judgements are provided.

(Summarized and translated from the News published on the TIPO’s website)


File Wrapper Search System (English Interface):

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