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Summarized Report for the Taiwan Innotech Expo 2022


The on-site exhibition of the Taiwan Innotech Expo 2022 was held at the Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 from October 13 to 15, while the online exhibition was held from October 11 to 20.

The Taiwan IPO previewed several innovative works during a press conference on October 04, 2022. Most notably, the Small and Medium Enterprises Division, Ministry of Economic Affairs demonstrated the “SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Testing Platform,” which is saliva based and utilizes a nucleic acid-free extraction technique to achieve a precise detection rate, even if the CT value in a patient is high. Further, the Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture introduced “Algae and Shellfish Aquaculture in Offshore Wind Farms in the Application of Ocean Carbon Sink,” in which sargassum nurtured in an artificial algal forest can absorb carbon dioxide, and the Automotive Research and Testing Center presented an “Automatic driving method with decision diagnosis and device thereof,” in which a diagnostic model is utilized to determine whether a decision from sensors located in an automatic driving car should be modified.

During this year’s Innotech Expo, about 1200 technical works were exhibited, 516 of which participated in the invention competition. After review of documents and on-site examination conducted by 50 examiners, 14 platinum awards, 89 gold medal awards, 92 silver medal awards, and 115 bronze medal awards were granted.

The biggest winner in the school section is the National Central University with one platinum award, seven gold medal awards, three silver medal awards, and eight bronze medal awards. Competitors in the foreign section were also awarded high honors. For example, the Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association (INNOPA) received one platinum award, one gold medal award, two silver medal awards, and three bronze medal awards, and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) won seven gold medal awards, eight silver medal awards, and five bronze medal awards.

The Taiwan Innotech Expo is one of the most important invention exhibitions in the world. Next year, the Taiwan Innotech Expo 2023 will be held at the Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 from October 12 to 14, 2023.

(Summarized and translated based on the website of the Taiwan IPO)


*Patent Attorney at Tai E International Patent & Law Office

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