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Amendments to Rules 67 and 80 of the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act


Rules 67 and 80 of the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act were amended on October 20, 2022. The amendments focus on patent certificates and are summarized below.

1.The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (IPO) no longer has to annotate pledge establishment to a patent certificate. As a result, patent certificates are not required to be accompanied with a request form or other documents when the patentee or pledgee requests for recordation of pledge establishment of a patent right. (Rule 67)

2.The patentee may apply for issuance of a replacement or a substitution of a patent certificate if the item(s) on the patent certificate should be amended, for example, the patent term having been extended. The original patent certificate will be invalidated when a replacement or a substitution is issued. (Rule 80)

(Summarized and translated based on the website of the Taiwan IPO)

*Patent Attorney at Tai E International Patent & Law Office

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