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The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Launched the “Green Patent Expressway Program” on January 1, 2022

In order to promote the research of green technologies and accelerate the commercialization of relevant products, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office launched the “Green Patent Expressway Program” on January 1, 2022. The relevant amendments to the Accelerated Examination Program (AEP) include the following main points.

1. Condition 4 for AEP applications, “inventions related to green energy technologies,” has been amended into “inventions related to green technologies” to clarify that the condition is not limited to green energy technologies only.

2. The scope of applicability of the AEP has been broadened. If an invention relates to green technologies such as techniques for energy-saving, carbon reduction and resource-saving, the invention will be eligible for examination under the AEP.

3. The time for examination has been shortened. For applications requesting the AEP under the conditions “essential for commercial exploitation” and “inventions related to green technologies,” examination results will be rendered within six months after all the necessary documents are filed.

(Translated and summarized from the news announced on the website of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office)

*Section Chief of International Patent Division at Tai E International Patent & Law Office 

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