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Reinstatement of Applications due to the Osaka Earthquake of June 18, 2018

If the delay of a statutory time period for patent (or trademark) matters is caused by natural calamity, the applicant may, within thirty (30) days after cessation of such cause, file a written request with the Specific Patent Agency stating the cause(s) for delay and requesting for reinstatement. If an applicant for a patent (or trademark) is to request for reinstatement after the delay of a statutory time period due to the Osaka earthquake of June 18, 2018, the Taiwan IPO will, in principle, leniently decide the request based on the circumstances of the case.

Article 17 of the Patent Act


Unless otherwise provided in this Act, where a person filing a patent application or taking other proceedings in connection with patent-related matters has failed to comply within a statutory or specified time period, the application filed or the proceeding initiated shall be dismissed. However, if the delay of not acting within a specified time period has been remedied before the dismissal decision is served by the Specific Patent Agency, such application or proceeding shall still be accepted.

If the delay of a statutory time period is caused by natural calamity or other cause(s) not attributable to the applicant, the applicant may, within thirty (30) days after cessation of such cause, file a written request with the Specific Patent Agency stating the cause(s) for delay and requesting for reinstatement. An application for reinstatement shall not be accepted if the delay has exceeded one (1) year after expiration of the statutory time period.

While requesting for reinstatement, the applicant shall concurrently fulfill all obligations that should have been fulfilled within the concerned time period.

The preceding two paragraphs shall not apply to a delay of the time limits as set forth in Paragraph 4 of Article 29, Paragraph 4 of Article 52, Paragraph 2 of Article 70, Paragraph 4 of Article 29 applicable mutatis mutandis under Article 120, Paragraph 4 of Article 52 applicable mutatis mutandis under Article 120; Paragraph 2 of Article 70 applicable mutatis mutandis under Article 120; Paragraph 4 of Article 29 applicable mutatis mutandis under Paragraph 1 of Article 142; Paragraph 4 of Article 52 applicable mutatis mutandis under Paragraph 1 of Article 142, and Paragraph 2 of Article 70 applicable mutatis mutandis under Paragraph 1 of Article 142.

Rule 17 of the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act

When requesting for reinstatement under Paragraph 2, Article 17 of the Act, a request form shall be submitted to the Specific Patent Agency stating the reasons for the delay and the date of extinguishment of such delay, and accompanied by the document(s) of proof.

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