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Revisions to Taiwan Trademark Act Effective from July 2012
The Trademark Act in Taiwan was first formulated and announced in 1930 and implemented in 1931. Since then, the Trademark Act had been amended eleven times, with the most recent change made in 2003. Under the rapid development of industries and businesses in Taiwan, the 2003 Trademark Act had begun confronting challenges arising from vigorous and diverse changes in the models of business and trading of recent years. Followed by the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks (STLT) effective from March 2009, the necessity and ways of harmonizing trademark prosecution procedures between Taiwan and other jurisdictions came to the attention of the Administration and IP communities in Taiwan. With consensuses and negotiations, revisions to the Trademark Act were promulgated by a Presidential Order last June and just came into effect this week, on July 1, 2012….more
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