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The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office announced the patent and trademark Statistics for applications filed in 2018
In 2018, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) accepted 73,421 patent applications, the filings slightly decreased by 1% in comparison with the previous year. The number of invention patent applications, however, grew by 3%; wherein 18,365 invention patent applications were filed by domestic applicants, marking an annual increase of 1%, and 29,064 invention patent applications were filed by foreign applicants, marking an increase by 4%. On average, applicants of invention patent applications received notification, either an Examination Report or a Notice of Allowance, within nine months from the filing date. The backlog at the TIPO has been significantly reduced to about 46,000 applications in total.
Among the foreign applicants of patent applications, applicants from Japan continued to rank first. In 2018, Japanese applicants filed a total of 14,169 patent applications, followed by applicants form the United States (7,345 applications) and applicants from mainland China (3,506 applications).
With respect to trademark applications, in 2018, the TIPO accepted 84,816 applications for trademark registration, a record high in the past 18 years, and, on average, applicants of trademark applications received notification within five months from the filing date. The increase is mainly due to filings from foreign applicants. Domestic applicants filed 59,840 applications, a slight decrease of 2% in comparison with the previous year, and foreign applicants filed 24,976 applications, a significant increase of 11%.
Among the foreign applicants of trademark applications, applicants from mainland China filed 5,770 trademark applications (increased by 19%) and ranked first, followed by Japanese applicants (4,728 applications, increased by 21%) and applicants from the United States (4,187 applications, increased by 14%). 
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