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消費者在市場上識別產品的依據,通常包括產品的色彩。特別是有些消費者並不認識或無法瞭解產品上標示的文字商標時,產品顏色(或顏色組合)扮演更重要的識別因素。美國國會自1946年通過Lanham Act (註一)後,已將非傳統商標納入商標保護之客體,接受任何以文字、名稱、記號、裝置、或上述聯合方式為商標(註二),對於顏色商標(註三)則沒有特別明文禁止或接受。但是從美國相關實務發展來看,法院對於顏色商標之可註冊性(registrability)傾向保守認定(註四)。雖然1995年美國最高法院(Supreme Court)在Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co案(註五),裁定單一顏色商標並非全然不具可註冊性,但是美國各界及法院百年來存在的見解歧異似未從此消失。去(2011)年8月,美國聯邦紐約南區地方法院(United States District Court, S. D. New York,本文後稱「紐約南區地院」)對Christian Louboutin S.A. et al. v. Yves Saint Laurent Inc. et al. (註六)案所作決定,或可說明實務爭議現況。


單一顏色商標在美國是否具商標可註冊性,向來在法院實務上有不同見解。1906年美國最高法院在Leschen & Sons Co. v. Broderick & Bascom Rope案中表示:「單一顏色是否可以成為商標確有疑問之虞。倘若單一顏色另行附加特殊設計,如圓形、方形、三角形、十字形或星形,無疑地便可註冊為商標。但主管機關(authority)於此並無多做說明」(註七)。

儘管美國自Lanham Act施行後放寬商標客體的保護範圍,然則法院對於是否承認單一顏色商標可註冊性的看法,仍存在相當大之歧異。1985年,聯邦巡迴上訴法院(Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit)於In Re Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp.案(註八),判決粉紅色(pink)可成為註冊商標,並在判決中強調:Lanham Act主要目的是將傳統商標法現代化,以促進貿易及保護消費者(註九);同時「沒有任何商標...應該因商標的性質被拒絕註冊申請」,Lanham Act第2條前言(preamble)已有明文,除非有同法規定之一個或多個特定例外不許註冊之情況適用,然而顏色並非上述之例外情況(註十)。

但到1990年,聯邦第七巡迴上訴法院在NutraSweet Co. v. Stradt Corp. (註十一)案中,卻以商標法係主要用來防止消費者混淆誤認而非用來阻礙業者進入市場為由,認定NutraSweet Co.之單一藍色代糖包裝不應受到保護,拒絕NutraSweet Co.核發初期禁制令之聲請。對於單一顏色應否成為可受保護的商標,不同上訴法院之間存在不同見解。

1995年,美國最高法院終於在Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co案(註十二)中統一實務見解,裁示單一顏色商標倘若具有商標識別性、不是功能性(註十三)並已取得商標「第二層意義(註十四)(secondary meaning)」,則應受Lanham Act保護,具商標可註冊性。


紐約南區地院Christian Louboutin S.A. et al. v. Yves Saint Laurent Inc. et al.案判決之所以引發美國時尚界及法律界之廣泛重視及討論,在於該案爭點主要為單一顏色商標在流行時尚商品得否註冊的「紅色」(註十五)爭議。

法籍設計師Christian Louboutin (本文後稱「Louboutin」)為知名高級女鞋設計師,其所設計之紅色鞋底高跟鞋,由於受到影視明星及社交名媛之喜愛,大量於媒體曝光而享有極高之識別性。美國專利商標局(The United State Patent and Trademark Office,本文後稱「商標局」),以Louboutin的產品已廣泛大量使用紅色於鞋底,符合顏色商標所需之第二層意義,授予Louboutin自2008年1月1日生效之註冊第3361597號漆紅色鞋底(lacquered red sole on footwear)商標(註十六),使用於女性流行時尚設計師鞋類商品。2011年4月Louboutin以Yves Saint Laurent (本文後稱「YSL」)在市場上銷售外觀與其著名之紅底高跟鞋極相似之紅色女鞋為由,主張YSL侵害商標權及不公平競爭,向紐約南區地院提出訴訟,隨後聲請初期禁制令(preliminary injunction)禁止YSL銷售紅底鞋,並提出損害賠償請求。







紐約南區地院認為流行時尚商品取決於顏色且瞬息萬變,無論設計師或消費者都是具敏感、個性化、突發奇想及情緒化(註二十三)。當流行時尚界任何人於任何時候突發奇想決定以紅色代表熱情時,Louboutin的註冊商標“the color red”將阻礙其他設計師使用紅色及任何近似顏色於鞋類之商品上。
紐約南區地院的判決,再度引發在流行時尚商品是否可經由商標註冊來獨占單一顏色的爭議。 Louboutin在2011年10月向美國聯邦第二巡迴上訴法院(the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,本文後稱「第二巡迴法院」) 提出上訴,強調Louboutin將特殊之紅色放在先前遭忽略的鞋底部分,已建立根深蒂固的商標識別性,紅色並無功能性可言(註二十四),反駁紐約南區地院有關功能性及阻礙同業競爭之見解。

由於事涉單一顏色商標可否註冊之爭議,國際商標協會(International Trademark Association),知名品牌TIFFANY(註二十五)及學者專家,紛紛就本案向第二巡迴法院提出第三人(amicus curiae) (註二十六)意見,這些意見看來仍然充滿歧異。TIFFANY(註二十七)及國際商標協會(註二十八)均認為,紐約南區地院有關顏色之於流行時尚商品功能性的分析係錯誤的,請求第二巡迴法院撤銷原處分。另一方面,Georgetown University Law Center教授Ms. Rebecca Tushnet,則肯定紐約南區地院正確評價流行時尚商品之功能性(註二十九),強調單一顏色商標獲准註冊於流行時尚商品時,將帶給其他設計師相當大的不確定性,應以相當之批判性看待流行時尚商品之單一顏色商標(註三十),故要求第二巡迴法院維持紐約南區地院之判決。第二巡迴法院已於今(2012)年1月24日開庭進行審理,時至本文完成為止尚未判決。


美國單一顏色商標自Lanham Act後,成為理論上可受保護的客體之一,惟其可註冊性在不同法院至今仍存在歧異見解。第二巡迴法院目前正在審理本文前述「紅色」爭議案件,無論未來判決結果為何,法院對單一顏色可註冊性的見解,都將對美國流行時尚產業帶來重大影響。倘若第二巡迴法院肯定紐約南區地院對功能性從嚴認定之見解,對現已取得單一顏色商標註冊之流行時尚業者而言,恐將於未來維持商標權有效性及商標權利行使時招致質疑及困難,往後單一顏色商標得否註冊於流行時尚商品亦生變數。



註一:Lanham Act當初係由德州眾議員Fritz G. Lanham提出,1946年7月5日經國會通過,1947年7月6日開始生效, 原法案全文共45條,現編入美國成文法典15 USC §§1051-1072,§§1091-1096及§§1111-1129。
註二:參見Lanham Act第45條規定:「『商標』一詞包括任何文字、名稱、記號、裝置、或上述聯合方式,其(1)經人使用,或(2)經任何人欲善意於商業上使用並依本法申請註冊於主要註冊簿,以表彰其所提供之商品,即令係獨特之商品,且得與其他人所製造或販賣之商品相區辨,並顯示該商品之來源,即便該商品來源並未為人所熟知。」(The term "trademark" includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof-- (1) used by a person, or (2) which a person has a bona fide intention to use in commerce and applies to register on the principal register established by this Act, to identify and distinguish his or her goods, including a unique product, from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods, even if that source is unknown)。
註三:顏色商標在美國之定義為「商標以單一顏色或數種顏色的組合使用於特定物品上。當商標使用於商品時,顏色可以使用在物品的整個表面、物品的部分,或者在物品全部或部份的包裝上。」(“Color marks are marks that consist solely of one or more colors used on particular objects。For marks used in connection with goods, color may be used on the entire surface of the goods, on a portion of the goods, or on all or part of the packaging for the goods.)」。參見Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) 1202.05 - 8th Edition (USPTO Oct. 2011)。
註四:例如參見Campbell Soup Co. et al.v. Armour & Co. (3rd Cir. 1949),聯邦第三巡迴上訴法院在Lanham Act生效後數年作出該決定,認為顏色雖然在消費者識別產品設計或文字商標時有其重要性,但顏色本身不能作為商標,擔心一旦顏色商標受到保護發生獨占效應,將逐漸使特定領域內的交易者無顏色可用,並引述聯邦第六巡迴上訴法院於20世紀初在Diamond Match Co. v. Saginaw Match Co. (6th Cir. 1906)案的相同見解。
註五:參見Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co. (Supreme Court 1995)。
註六:參見Christian Louboutin S.A. et al. v. Yves Saint Laurent INC. et al. (SDNY 2011)。
註七:參見Leschen & Sons Co. v. Broderick & Bascom Rope (Supreme Court 1906)。判決原文“Whether mere color can constitute a valid trademark may admit of doubt. Doubtless it may, if it be impressed in a particular design, as a circle, square, triangle, a cross, or a star. But the authorities do not go farther than this.”。
註八:參見In Re Owens – Corning Fiberglass Corp (Fed. Cir. 1985)。系爭商標係用於纖維玻璃隔離材料。
註九:同前註。判決原文“The principal purpose of the Lanham Act was the modernization of trademark law, to facilitate commerce and to protect the consumer.”。
註十:同前註。判決原文”The preamble of section 2 of the Lanham Act states that "[n]o trademark ... shall be refused registration on the principal register on account of its nature", unless one or more specific exceptions to registrability set forth in that section apply. Color is not such an exception.”。
註十一:參見NutraSweet Co. v. Stradt Corp. (7th Cir. 1990)。判決原文“The essential purpose of trademark law is to prevent confusion, not to bar new entrants into the market. ….NutraSweet's overall trade-dress may be protected; but, it may not protect the mere color of its packet.”。
註十三:同前註。判決原文“That color alone can meet the basic legal requirements for use as a trademark is demonstrated both by the language of the Act, ….and by the underlying principles of trademark law, including the requirements that the mark "identify and distinguish [the seller's] goods . . . from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate [their] source," ibid., and that it not be "functional"”
註十四:同前註。判決原文“We cannot find in the basic objectives of trademark law any obvious theoretical objection to the use of color alone as a trademark, where that color has attained "secondary meaning" and therefore identifies and distinguishes a particular brand (and thus indicates its "source")”。
       法院在判決中並指出:「所謂取得『第二層意義』,當大眾心中對於商品功能之主要意義…係用來使識別商品來源而非商品本身」(“ secondary meaning" is acquired when "in the minds of the public, the primary significance of a product feature . . . is to identify the source of the product rather than the product itself")。
註十五:本案系爭商標係美國註冊第3361597號,權利人為著名之法籍設計師Christian Louboutin,該商標係使用於Christian Louboutin在國際時尚界發表及推出一系列廣受歡迎之漆紅(lacquered red)底高跟鞋。參見http://loubiworld.christianlouboutin.com/#/intro,2012年6月28日連結。
註十七:同註六。判決原文“In this case, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”), perhaps swayed in part by the widespread recognition the red sole had already attained, invested Louboutin’s brand with legal distinction in 2008 by approving registration of the mark. The issue not before the Court is whether, despite Chirstian Louboutin’s acknowledged innovation and the broad association of the high fashion red outsole with him as its source, trademark protection should not have been granted to that registration.”。
註十八:同前註。判決原文“The functionality doctrine prevents trademark law, which seeks to promote competition by protecting a firm’s reputation, from instead inhibiting legitimate competition by allowing a producer to control a useful product feature.”。
註十九:同前註。判決原文“a purpose for which he chose a shade of red because he regarded it as ‘engaging, flirtatious, memorable and the color or passion,’ as well as ‘sexy’”。
註二十:同前註。判決原文“Christian Louboutin himself has acknowledged significant, nontrademark functions for choosing red for his outsoles… he stated that he chose the color to give his shoe styles “energy” and because it is “engaging.” He has also said that red is “sexy” and “attracts men to the women who wear my shoes.”。
註二十一:同前註。判決原文“The outsole of a shoe is, almost literally, a pedestrian thing. Yet, coated in a bright and unexpected color, the outsole becomes decorative, an object of beauty. To attract, to reference, to stand out, to blend in, to beautify, to endow with sex appeal — all comprise nontrademark functions of color in fashion.”。
註二十二:同前註。判決原文“The red outsole also affects the cost of the shoe, although perhaps not in the way Qualitex envisioned. Arguably, adding the red lacquered finish to a plain raw leather sole is more expensive, not less, than producing shoes otherwise identical but without that extra ornamental finish. Yet, for high fashion designers such as Louboutin and YSL, the higher cost of production is desirable because it makes the final creation that much more exclusive, and costly.”。
註二十三:同前註。判決原文“Fashion is dependent on colors. It is subject to temporal change. It is susceptible to taste, to idiosyncrasies and whims and moods, both of designers and consumers. …. when the market and the deities of design, ….proclaim that “passion” is in for a given season and must be expressed in reds in the year’s various collections, Louboutin’s claim would cast a red cloud over the whole industry, cramping what other designers could do,……And this impediment would apply not just with respect to Louboutin’s registered “the color red,” but, on its theory as pressed in this litigation, to a broader band of various other shades of red which would be available to Louboutin but which it could bar others from using.”。
註二十四: 參見Brief for Plaintiffs-Counter-Defendants-Appellants and Special Appendix, http://us.practicallaw.com/1-518-7855,2012年6月28日連結。原文為“By putting a distinctive red color on the previously ignored bottom portion of the shoe, Louboutin established a strong brand identifier. The red outsole has no utility.”。
註二十五:包括Tiffany (NJ) LLC及Tiffany and Company兩家公司,其中Tiffany (NJ) LLC為Tiffany and Company之子公司,參見BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE TIFFANY (NJ) LLC AND TIFFANY AND COMPANY IN SUPPORT OF APPELLANTS’ APPEAL SEEKING REVERSAL OF THE DISTRICT COURT’S DECISION DENYING APPELLANTS’ MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION, http://www.scribd.com/doc/70535549/Tiffany-amicus-brief-in-Louboutin-v-YSL-2d-Cir-10-24-11,2012年6月28日連結。
 Tiffany為美國註冊第2416794號單一藍色(color blue)商標之商標權人。參見http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4001:usva41.2.1,2012年6月28日連結。
註二十六:第三人意見(amicus curiae brief)係為「非為訴訟案任一方之個人或團體,但對於法院之議題有意見,可以意見書或以法庭之友身分參加答辯。」(A person or an organization which is not a party to the case but has an interest in an issue before the court may file a brief or participate in the argument as a friend of the court.)。參見USLEGALcom,http://definitions.uslegal.com/a/amicus-curiae/,2012年6月28日連結。
註二十七:參見BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE TIFFANY (NJ) LLC AND TIFFANY AND COMPANY IN SUPPORT OF APPELLANTS’ APPEAL SEEKING REVERSAL OF THE DISTRICT COURT’S DECISION DENYING APPELLANTS’ MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION,http://www.scribd.com/doc/70535549/Tiffany-amicus-brief-in-Louboutin-v-YSL-2d-Cir-10-24-11,2012年6月28日連結。原文為“In sum, in concluding that the Red Sole Mark was functional, the District Court failed to apply the correct legal standards enunciated by the Supreme Court and the Second Circuit and instead improperly adopted a sweeping rule that the use of a single color as a trademark on fashion items is per se functional.”。
註二十八:參見BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARK ASSOCIATION IN SUPPORT OF VACATUR AND REMAND,http://www.inta.org/Advocacy/Documents/INTALouboutinYSL.pdf,2012年6月28日連結。原文為“II. THE DISTRICT COURT ERRED IN ITS ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONALITY OF THE RED SOLE MARK. Having failed both to construe Louboutin’s mark properly and to accord Louboutin’s registration the presumption of validity, the District Court then proceeded to analyze the validity of the mark at issue; here, too, the court erred.”。
註二十九:參見BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE LAW PROFESSORS IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS-COUNTER- CLAIMANTS APPELLEES AND URGING AFFIRMANCE,http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.com/uploadedFiles/Reuters_Content/2012/01_-_January/louboutinvysl--lawprofamicus.pdf,2012年6月28日連結。原文為“The District Court Was Correct To Consider Functionality in Context.”。
註三十:同前註。原文為“This court should recognize that the shadow cast by a mark in a single color on a fashion item creates enormous uncertainty for other designers and should regard claims of single color trademarks in fashion with considerable skepticism..."。 



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